10 Weird University Courses

Posted by hamidhws on Monday, October 1, 2012 | 0 comments

There are those university courses which are difficult and there are those which are easy to study. But as the time is passing by, humans are making impossible things possible and this term ‘making impossible, possible’ has no limits at all. After reading this post, you’d agree to that too.
Here is a list of 10 weird university courses. There would be some you would love to study I am pretty sure.

Zombie Studies

This course is offered by University of Baltimore where they allow the students to get ready for the zombie apocalypse by writing horror scripts, making up their own monsters and watching zombie flicks.

Equestrian Studies

Ever dreamed of whispering to horses, and telling them exactly what you want them to do? Well in Glyndwr University, you can actually learn to do that.

Fat Studies

In George Washington University, Class looks at the concepts and obesity of fatness through literature, films, anthropology and history.

Harry Potter and the Age of Illusion Studies

A Potter fan would blindly go for this course but sadly they don’t teach spells and quidditch. But rather they look at how JK Rowling’s novels reflects Prejudice and citizenship in modern society. At University of Durham.

Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame studies

The University of South Carolina did not offered this course to gain fame or anything but they believed that this course will instigate students to a sociological analysis of issues related to Gaga’s work.

Politicizing Beyonce Studies

Rutger’s University, New Jersey offers to this through which American race, gender and sexual politics is taught through the music and career of Beyonce.

David Beckham Studies

This course is offered by Staffordshire University as part of BA sports. The course included topics related to his hairstyles, his marriage, and his efforts in his field. One awesome book to read.

How to Train the Jedi Way Studies

At Queen’s University, students are taught the psychology of Star Wars’ Jedi Knights to improve communication skills and personal development.

Robin Hood Studies

The University of Nottingham offers this weird course in which they teach the students about Robin Hood and his life rules. Steal from the rich, give to the poor.

Beatles Studies

At Liverpool University, they offers this course in which Students listen and try to understand the music of the band Beatles.

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